Using Repeatable Sections in Ermeo Reports

Repeatable sections in Ermeo are useful when your operator needs to repeat the same action multiple times. By using the tags from repeatable sections, you can display the collected data in these sections in your reports.

What is a Tag?

With Ermeo, you can customize your reports in Word or Excel format. We use a tagging system to insert data from interventions into your reports. A tag is a code that identifies a form element (widget).

To retrieve all the tags, there are two methods:

  1. Each widget in your form has a tag. You need to click on the tag button to retrieve it.


  1. Each form has a configuration file. The configuration file contains all the tags for the widgets in your form. This file can be found on the homepage of your form.



How Are Tags for Repeatable Sections Different?

Tags for the content of a repeatable section must be placed between a ##repeat_section:start## tag and a ##repeat_section:end## tag.
